
This section of the documentation is dedicated to explaining the custom data structures that are defined and used within our package.




A mutable struct that represents a job for performing model selection.


  • id::String: The unique identifier (UUID) of the model selection job.
  • filename::String: The name of the file used for model selection.
  • tempfile::String: The name of a temporary file used during the job's processing.
  • filehash::String: The unique identifier (UUID) of the file used for model selection.
  • estimator::Symbol: The estimator used for model selection.
  • equation::String: The equation or formula used for model selection.
  • parameters::Dict{Symbol,Any}: The parameters used for model selection, including any additional parameters specified in the request.
  • status::Symbol: The status of the model selection job ("pending", "running", "finished", or "failed").
  • time_enqueued::DateTime: The timestamp when the model selection job was enqueued.
  • time_started::Union{DateTime, Nothing}: The timestamp when the model selection job started, if applicable.
  • time_finished::Union{DateTime, Nothing}: The timestamp when the model selection job finished, if applicable.
  • modelselection_data::Union{ModelSelectionData, Nothing}: The data used for model selection. This is Nothing if the data is not available.
  • msg::Union{String, Nothing}: A message associated with the job. This is typically used for reporting errors or other important information.


result = ModelSelectionJob(
    filename = "data.csv",
    tempfile = "/tmp/12413947-1597-4b1b-a798-efcb2293e808.csv",
    filehash = "12413947-95bc-4573-a804-efcb2293e808",
    payload = {
        :estimator: :ols,
        :equation: "y x1 x2 x3",
        "ttest": true,