Swagger Documentation

The package provides a comprehensive API documentation powered by Swagger. You can access the API documentation by visiting the /docs URL of your deployed application. This documentation offers a detailed overview of all available endpoints, request/response examples, and parameter details.

Accessing the Swagger Documentation

To access the Swagger documentation for the ModelSelectionGUI package, follow these steps:

  1. Start the server and ensure it is running.
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. In the address bar, enter the URL of your deployed application followed by /docs. For example:
  4. The Swagger documentation page will load, displaying all the available endpoints, their descriptions, and other relevant information.

Using Swagger for Testing and Exploration

The Swagger documentation not only serves as a reference for the endpoints but also provides an interactive environment for testing and exploring the API. With Swagger UI, you can easily send requests to different endpoints, view their responses, and experiment with various parameters.

Feel free to leverage the Swagger documentation to understand the functionality of the ModelSelectionGUI package, explore different endpoints, and test API requests right from your browser.